Welcome to Your
Parents & Citizens Association
At Baringa State Primary School your P&C Association aims to make Baringa the best school it can be for our students.
Officially, Parents and Citizens Associations in Queensland are set up to work in productive partnership with the principal and school community to promote the interests of the school, facilitate its development and further improvement, and achieve the best possible outcomes for students.
What this really means is that through the combined support of each and every member of our P&C along with your support as a parent and carer of a student at our school we exist to advocate, raise funds for, and take actions to improve all aspects of the school experience for our students and teachers.
We are a volunteer-run, not-for-profit association, and we need your help. So read on to discover how you can lend a hand and get involved.
For regular updates, follow us on Facebook & see you at our next General Meeting.